Alexander Timofeev

Web developer


The majority of the projects I took part in were business process automation systems. We have signed nondisclosure agreements for public projects, and all the intellectual property rights have been transferred to the customers.
I developed a website for an international company offering passenger transport services, a CRM system for an advertising agency, an ERP system for a Contractor, an employee tracking system, a kiosks management server.
I took part in development of more than ten web systems for mobile apps which collect data and interact with the mobile apps.
Client services design for interaction with third-party API services such as Google Maps, Youtube, Paypal, Stripe, Github and others as well as with private customer systems that use various protocols.
If you still question my professional skills, you may send me a test assignment.

Free time projects

HashCode - This website was written using Beego framework (Golang). Generate hash from string. Generate password using custom parameters. Validate json string. Convert from/to Base64 algorithm.